
Day 9: Bathing Ritual

Day 9 :: Bathing Ritual  Create a bathing ritual that nourishes you from the inside out. Allow sacred time and space for yourself. Immerse your body in water to experience deep relaxation and transformation. (In fact, immersion in warm water releases oxytocin, the bonding, love, and warm, fuzzy feeling hormone!) Bathing Ritual Practice: – Set an …

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Day 6: Gratitude

Day 6 :: GratitudeCompliments of @self_love_and_pleasure Practicing gratitude has incredible effects, from improving mental health to boosting our relationships with others.And expressing gratitude daily for all we’ve received and experienced is an excellent way of tapping into pleasure. It helps to increase our awareness of pleasurable events and rewires our nervous system to be on the …

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Day 4: Self Massage

Day 4 :: Self MassageCompliments of @hello.carawest Build a softer, more loving relationship with your body with a breast or testicle massage. This practice helps to develop our sense of vitality, sensuality, and beauty within our own bodies.  Breast massage has a heart opening effect and leads to an expanded state of love and self love. This …

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