Day 20 :: Embracing Softness and Slowness
Compliments of @miriamhanelt
There is an often unspoken belief out in the world that reaffirms our worth if we are productive, loud, fast, bold, bright, and hard working. The more we get done, the more our voices and actions have impact, the greater value and success we hold as individuals.
And although there may be truth and good in each of these traits, it is important to recognize the need for balance and wholeness.
Softness and slowness, while less valued by today’s society, is essential to turning inward, discovering our truth, and expressing our authentic nature.
This balance allows us to live life with pure pleasure and passion, knowing that our hard work and efforts are geared in honor of what drives our soul internally. This allows us to feel turned on by the excitement of life.
Softness is living with gentleness, tenderness, and no longer carrying a shield to block from the harshness of the outside world.
Slowness can be embodied through breath and movement, tuning into each moment and living life in the present.
A beautiful practice to tap into this space:
1. Find a comfortable seat and begin to breathe, finding ease in your body.
2. Notice your breath. Notice the pause between the inhales and exhales. And make it longer.
3. Pull in a memory, feeling, or thought of some person or animal who reminds you of softness, gentleness, and ease. Feel these emotions expand outward into all cells of your body as you continue a slow and steady breath.
4. Carry this feeling with you as long as you are able and tap in as often as you need.
It becomes more natural to turn inward for validation when we adopt a softer, slower (more intentional) approach of expressing the essence of who we are, or the work we are here to do. This internal place allows us to honor ourselves.
If you want to go deeper, I invite you to seek out @miriamhanelt and download her 60-minute SENSUAL SLOWNESS practice to indulge in this luscious, rich space of embracing slowness and softness.