Day 18 :: Inner Smile
Compliments of @justine.the.wolf who writes:
Do you know why witches don’t wear underwear?
And the answer is:
To get a better grip on their brooms!
Okay, it’s a joke. Although, witches do know a lot about connection…
But did you actually smile or allow yourself to laugh out loud while visualizing this scene?
As science shows, when we smile and laugh, we release feel-good chemicals called endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers), dopamine (allowing us to feel pleasure, satisfaction, motivation) and serotonin (responsible for well-being and happiness).
I think all of us are aware of the emotional and health benefits of smiling and laughing.
I used to never laugh out loud or smile a lot when I was alone. I felt like I was holding back, but I wanted to THRIVE. So I started practicing laughing like crazy with myself.
I ALLOWED MYSELF TO FEEL GOOD and that it is safe to express what I feel. Because if we don’t express our feelings, our brain starts to think — Oh, there is something wrong.
So I would encourage you to try the ancient Taoist practice, INNER SMILE, that’s all about changing the dynamic with your body — leading to you having the most magical relationship ever!
This practice is also about saying, “You know what, I will have the most joyful, amazing relationship with my organs as well.”
It might sound a bit weird in the beginning, but feel the difference:
I have a uterus.
I LOVE YOU, UTERUS, you are so freaking amazing, sexy, and such a magical portal!!!
Try it yourself:
- Sit down or lie down with your eyes closed.
- Visualize an image that reminds you of unconditional love, it can be anything, a scene from nature, the sun, a loved one, an animal, a goddess, etc.
- Bring a huge smile to your face, even if it’s a fake one at first; it eventually becomes real. (Your brain doesn’t know the difference between a real or a fake smile.
- Mix that image with your smile and beam it down to different parts of your body, smiling into your heart, breasts/chest, belly, thighs, pelvis, and pelvic floor.
Over time, this can change the way you relate to your body, which will radically shift how you experience pleasure in your life. Enjoy!