Day 13: Prioritize Your Pleasure

Day 13 :: Prioritize your Pleasure! 
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Enjoying the 30 Day Pleasure Play so far? 
Now that we are nearly half-way through, you may have found a few practices that you’d love to integrate into your daily life. 

Maybe you’re wanting to raise the level of pleasure in your life or relationship but are having trouble finding the time. 

I dare to say, one of the best things we can do is to schedule it — the same way we schedule time for training if we want to develop any new skill. Developing a strong connection to joy, pleasure, and bliss with the ability to choose it frequently is a skill, and it can be trained.

I invite you to create a habit. Here are 4 options: 

Make a list of what brings you and/or your relationship pleasure. 
Brainstorm and create two columns: easy, 5 minute tasks and those that require a time investment. 
Place this list where you can see it every day. 
Do at least 2 things from the first column every day, and at least 1 practice from the second column once a week. 
Thank yourself for every step that you take in this direction. 

Upon waking every morning, as you think through your day, begin to visualize times or sections of your day that you may be able to tap into your pleasure or perform a pleasure practice. 
By envisioning the event, you’re rewiring your brain to look for it. 
This way you’ll be mentally ready to act and receive. 

Wear a reminder: 
Keep a small token on your body as a reminder to tap into your pleasure, such as a necklace, ring, watch. 
Every time you notice the item, scan your body or environment for something pleasurable and enjoy the wave of euphoria as it passes through your body. 

No plan: 
You don’t always need a structured plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe. Let go. And tap back into the present moment, noticing what feels good in your body and in your environment.
Remember pleasure can be physical sensations but also emotions, hopes and dreams, second-hand (watching a beloved pet play), and blissful states of being. 

Above all, do what feels good and works for you.

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Meet the Blogger

Hello, I’m Erica Brook!

I am a Licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy and Embodiment Coach.  I help individuals of all ages heal their relationship to their body. I help to regain physical function and eliminate pain, to boost confidence while simultaneously facilitating connection in a more supportive manner.

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