Day 11 :: Pleasure Altar
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Designate a special area of your home to perform your daily pleasure practices with an altar! This is a personally created space, ideal for tapping into your serenity, focus, bliss, and connecting with your body through your senses.
The sight of an altar reminds us that there is something greater than our small, earthly existence and serves as a reminder to enjoy the pleasures of every day life. This is an excellent way to connect with your North Star while remaining grounded in this physical world.
This is how you create your own sacred space:
Find a place
Would you like your altar to be visible to everyone or only accessible to you? Consciously choose a place that feels right for you and meets your needs. This can be directly at the entrance of your home, or hidden in a closet.
Clean the space
After you find the perfect space, clean it to create a good foundation for your altar. Wipe it with a mix of water, vinegar, and essential oil. Then, cleanse with palo santo or sage. Alternatively, you can light a white candle in the space; the color and flame have a purifying effect.
Re-affirm your intention
Remember your intention for this altar: Pleasure! It is through your intention that the altar goes from being a decorative element to something meaningful and sacred.
Decorate your altar
From plants, stones, photos to postcards, statues to sentimental jewelry and souvenirs – any object that is a representation of your intention can be placed on your altar!
No matter what you choose: Be intuitive in the selection and placement of objects and let your creativity run wild!
And voilà, your altar is ready! What you do with it is entirely up to you. For some, just the presence of the altar is enough to stimulate more pleasure, others use their sacred space as a place for their spiritual practice.