Day 10 :: Raise Your Pleasure Ceiling
Compliments of @hello.carawest
What is a pleasure ceiling?
Your body’s job is to keep you safe.
It’s BEST chance of doing that is by keeping you in experiences that are familiar.
(Anything Unknown = potentially unsafe!)
We have often learned to tie our pleasure to pain. Something good usually gets followed by something bad. (ie – the elation of learning to ride your bike followed by falling off! Ow.)
So our systems learn this wave of feeling. Up and down, up and down.
And when you feel too low, your system helps you regulate so you can get back into your little safe and normal window, just like it’s learned to do. It gives you signs so you remember to drink water and rest and spend time in nature or with friends.
Similarly, when you feel too high, it will regulate so you get back into your little window!!
(Everyone’s window is different.)
These cycles are totally natural, and they are designed to keep you safe!
But we can expand our window so that we are capable of achieving more pleasure and joy than we ever thought possible.
Take the time to show your body that these big, new, exciting and amazing feelings are NORMAL. You are safe to feel them!! The cycle may still keep coming, but you can open yourself up to FEELING more and more!
Next time something OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING happens, follow it by doing something mundane or normal in your day.
Wash the dishes.
Clean the crumbs out of your toaster.
Pull into the next gas station to wash the windscreen on your car.
Doing something plain or mundane anchors in this good feeling, teaching your body it is safe, and giving you a greater capacity to hold joy + pleasure.
This won’t stop you from feeling anything bad, of course, but it will help make you a heck of a lot more resilient when it does!!
Help your future self out: comment below with one mundane thing you can do next time something outstanding happens!!