Day 3: Orgasmic Breath of Fire

Day 3 :: Orgasmic Breath of Fire

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*Not to be done if pregnant or menstruating.

This is a steamy one! Use this breath work practice to open the fiery vital life force that flows throughout your body. 

The core foundations of orgasm are pleasure, expansion/movement, and mind-shift/surrender. Tap into these elements to support the fire breath orgasm. It is not necessarily sexual or felt in the genitals. Instead, you are charging your whole body with energy and moving this sensation up and down your spine like a wave in the ocean. 

Set aside at least 15 minutes for your first attempt, but once you learn the technique it can take as little as 5 minutes.

1. Feel: Lie down on your back with your spine aligned and knees bent with feet flat on the floor. (Or do this kneeling.) Breathe into your belly. When you breathe out, expel the air in one fast movement. Pump out all the air out by contracting the area around the navel. The in-breath happens automatically, expanding the belly again. Continue and tilt the hips backwards and forward with every breath. Rocking your hips back and forth to the rhythm of your breath also helps build up the energy. 
2. Visualize: Continue this process by visualizing your breath moving up through each chakra one at a time, root to crown. It is an intuitive feeling when you move from one chakra to the next. As a result your exhale may become more audible as you move up and your breath becomes quicker. 
3. Experience: Once you have breathed all the energy into your crown chakra, hold onto that energy and build up for as long as possible by straightening your legs to the ground and clenching all your muscles. Don’t breathe until you feel like you need to. With this next gasp of air, a wave of energetic bliss will overcome you. Allow your body to move freely and naturally in whatever direction this takes you. An energetic release may bring up various emotions like laughter or tears. Allow those to come out freely and naturally as well.

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Hello, I’m Erica Brook!

I am a Licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy and Embodiment Coach.  I help individuals of all ages heal their relationship to their body. I help to regain physical function and eliminate pain, to boost confidence while simultaneously facilitating connection in a more supportive manner.

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